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Parker’s Blog

Welcome to Parker’s Blog

Hi, I’m Parker and I’m now the head dog at Golden Oaks Golden Retriever Retreat. I will be the one you first meet and help you settle in when you arrive. I will show how we do things around here from how we walk as a pack, mealtime etiquette, and the bedtime routine, just to name a few.

A bit about me, well I’m mums right hand man, well after Dad of course, and am by her side 24/7. She calls me her ‘old soul’, whatever that means. Sometimes I do have a ‘can’t be bothered’ look on my face, but that’s just my face and I’m just waiting for her to hurry up and give me the treats and take the photo! I enjoy meeting all the goldens that come and stay and do enjoy a bit of play.

My favourite things are Mum, treats, sleeping and playing with my friends. BUT my all-time favourite has to be heading out and spending time in the forest. I love being out and about and sharing my adventures with my friends that come and hang out. I also love to learn new things; mum says that I’m a bit of a smart cookie.

Keep an eye out on my Blog as I will be covering a range of topics and will even share some of my cool adventures.

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Feb 15, 2023

Hi Parker! You’ve made me feel super comfortable & I love going on adventures with you & my new fur pals even though I’m still little! Master George 🐾🐾


Feb 15, 2023

Hi Parker, it's Parker N. So funny we have the same name! I love coming to your house and playing biting and wrestling with you and the other friends. You and your Mum have taught me so much. See you in April for my next holiday. Parker N 🐾


Feb 15, 2023

You’re a gentleman Golden Retriever Mr Parker! I love going on adventures with you when I visit. Scout!

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